

Magnesium deficiency

Magnesium deficiency

Symptoms: Produces a very distinct yellowing towards the apex of older leaves, with a triangular area remains green at the leaf base.
Affect: Decreases the juice content in pulp.


Product: S MAG 4-5gm/lit of water or Agrimax 2gm/1Lt. of water
Soil/Drip: S Mag 25kg/acre
Benefit: Helps in photosynthesis, starch translocation

Sulphur deficiency

Sulphur deficiency

Symptoms: New leaves become pale yellow in colour.
Affect: Plants are stunted.


Product: S Mag 4-5gm/1Lt. of water or MaxGold 1gm/1Lt. of water
Soil/Drip: Signocal-Mg Premium citrus spl 50kg/acre or S Mag 25kg/acre
Benefit: Improves special character in crop

Boron deficiency

Boron deficiency

Symptoms: Uneven formation of leaf.
Affect: Fruit cracking, flower dropping.


Product: Boron 20 1gm/1Lt. Of water
Soil/Drip: –
Benefit: Translocation of sugars and help in pollination

Zinc deficiency

Zinc deficiency

Symptoms: Symptoms include small narrow leaves.
Affect: Stunted growth, leaves become brittle.


Product: chilachel 1-2gm/1Lt of water or SN++ (2+2ml)/1Lt. of water
Soil/Drip: Signocol mg Citrus Spl 50kg/acre
Benefit: Helps in activation of enzymes

Iron deficiency

Iron deficiency

Symptoms: Causes a distinct pattern in the leaf caused by a loss in chlorophyll, only the main veins stay green.
Affect: Decreases the juice content in pulp and dull colour appearance of fruit.


Product: Maxpro 1gm/1Lt. of water or Agrimax 2gm/1Lt. of water or Sigzone 3-5ml/1Lt. of water.
Soil/Drip: Signocal-Mg Premium 50kg/acre
Benefit: Helps in electron transport chain and helps in photosynthesis

Copper deficiency

Copper deficiency

Symptoms: Gummosis disease occurs in citrus plant.
Affect: Wilt occurs.


Product: Maxpro 1gm/1Lt. of water or Agrimax 2gm/1Lt. of water or SN++ (2+2ml)/1Lt. of water
Soil/Drip: –
Benefit: Serves to intensify flavour and colour in vegetables and colour in flowers

Nitrogen deficiency

Nitrogen deficiency

Symptoms: Yellowing of older leaves, plant growth is ceased.
Affect: Poor fruit set and smaller fruit.


Product: SN++ (2+2ml)/1Lt. of water or N: P: K-19:19:19 5gm/1Lt. of water or Jeans 5-8gm/1Lt. of water
Soil/Drip: Jeans 5kg/acre
Benefit: Helps in vegetative growth, formation of amino acids

Fungal Diseases in Citrus

Fungal Diseases in Citrus

Symptoms: Yellow to dark brown to black spots form on the underside of the leaf. As these spots darken,
Affect: Affects the plant growth and fruit size.


Product: Avataar 1gm/1Lt. of water or Merget 2.5gm/1Lt. of water or avistar 2ml/1Lt. of water
Benefit: Quick Action on plant to recover Fungal

Mite and Thrips in Citrus

Mite and Thrips in Citrus


  • Citrus tree leaves are damaged by mite feeding habits. The leaves of plants infested with citrus mites have an etched,
  • The fruit is obviously damaged, with areas of thick rind that grows dark brown or black

Affect: Mites damage the outer cells of the leaf and fruit as they feed on the plant sap.


Product: Mung plus Premium 1ml/1Lt. of water, Mung plus 1ml/1Lt. of water or Randox XL (250+100ml)/acre
Benefit: Quick Results to control the Mite & Thrips

For Flowering

For Flowering

Symptoms: Citrus bloom profusely and therefore also show high abscission of buds, flowers, fruitlets and fruits.
Affect: Effects on leaf Colour and Fruit colour and size.


Product: Aton-555 0.25gm/1Lt. of water + SN++ (2+2ml)/1Lt. of water
Benefit: Aton 555 is powerful hormone balancer.
It is a broad spectrum PGR with protective and curative action. It causes enhancement of greenness of plant and flowering.
SN++ have a multi nutrient helps in vegetative growth, formation of amino acids

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